Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our Little Yellow House in St. Pete's

This is our little yellow house in St. Peter's Village. It's a twin and the door on the left is ours.

The first time we saw the inside of the house it took a bit of imagination to visualize what it would look like. The painters were still at it. The bathroom was being renovated. The kitchen was acquiring a brand new floor. Upstairs, the front bedroom had a big hole in the ceiling. The basement was like something out of an old Vincent Price movie...very scary indeed! The attic was hot, stuffy and still full of weird stuff. Yet, under it all, we could see the charm. Of course, the location was nearly perfect. Ah, the peace and quiet of country life in a quaint, century old village!

We have a lovely stream that runs down the side of the property. That's the view in the first photo above. There are woods in the back of the yard. We have a burn pit (which we never use) and a little brick patio that has seen better days. There are wild flowers, day lilies and scads of birds. I have seen birds in our yard that I have never seen ones, red ones, yellow ones and on and on.

Now that summer is here, we have added petunias to the window boxes and a decorative house flag graces the front. The yard is cleaned up, the fireplace in good order, the basement a lot less scary (although I hate going down there) and the hole in the ceiling in the bedroom is now a nice vent. Our furniture looks great and the house is cozy and comfortable. Who could ask for more?

...oh, the peace and quiet of country living! Bulldozers, jack hammers, dump trucks, explosions, banging and clanging all day long, five days a week. They are building an upscale subdivision on the hills behind our house! Across the street, there's an old red structure (like a barn) that is being gutted and renovated. There are piles of dirt and debris piled up nearly across the street from our house. Had we only known! Oh well, this too will pass.

We are happy, you get used to the noise and it is still very beautiful here. Our two cats, Buddy & JB, love sitting at the sliding screen door in the laundry room watching the birds, squirrels and chipmunks in the yard.

Someday the houses will be built, the barn renovated, the pile of dirt will go away. The Village will begin to prosper because of the new people and maybe we will even get mail delivery! And, a cell tower??? St. Peter's is a dead zone...who knew?

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